So you want to get your hair done?

Hello all, time for an update!

So we’ve been moving through a very strange time, haven’t we?  There has been so much change lately both in the state of the world and with the outlook in terms of our health, community, economy and politics.  So that’s why there have been no updates.  I am sure some of you are also in the weird head space where you aren’t sure if salons should be open yet, but you still want to get your hair done.  I am with you there, and so are many of my clients.  I trust all of my clients to make their own decisions for themselves and to make decisions with respect to the health of me and my family.  I am also NOT taking new clients currently and my online booking is closed.  If you want to get an appointment with me I am very slowly rebooking clients for a couple days per week.  Some of these days I will be completely alone in the salon, other days I will be working with one other stylist.

Have I been appropriately isolated?  That is for you to decide.  I go to the grocery store once a week and we still have interactions with one family since we watch their baby.  They work from home.  We go on walks outside and swim at the state park, but always areas where it is easy to go above and beyond the 6′ of social distance.  If any of that makes you nervous or uncomfortable, I encourage you to wait to get your hair done.  For what it’s worth, I don’t anticipate having a social life in the near future whatsoever.

As for the salon as a whole, here is what my boss wants y’all to know:

Dear clients,


As we approach the ability to reopen the doors to Luminosity Hair we have taken the time to ensure that the safety of everyone is being considered. This is something that we are not taking lightly and are implementing these policies to best be able to avoid the spread of this terrible virus. We ask that you read over these policies, in order to be able to come see us, because we’re excited to see you. Please understand that we are now operating at a totally different pace and workload, so please be patient as we adjust to our new normal.



Here are some changes that we ask you to abide by for the time being. We understand that some of these might sound a little overboard, but this is what has been determined as being best for everyone involved. Thank you.


  1. When arriving for your appointment please stay in your car until you have been sent a text/called by your stylist to come inside. This helps us maintain the 4 people only limit that the salon has implemented. The salon door will remain locked at all times to avoid anyone from walking in without permission to do so.

  2. Please be wearing a mask. We would prefer that you wear one that is attached behind your ears as it will make doing your hair much easier. Otherwise, you will have to hold the mask to your face at all times. We would also recommend that you wear a mask that has the nose piece, this will ensure you don’t end up with a mask full of hair. : )

  3. We will only be doing shampoos for chemical clients and some haircut clients. If you don’t need to be shampooed, we ask that you allow us to skip that process. This will allow everyone to stay safer by having less contact with any surfaces in the salon. Also, blowouts will be, temporarily, not a part of service. It’s in the best interest of everyone to not offer them at this time.

  4. We will have a touchless thermometer to be able to take temperatures upon arrival.

  5. If you have been traveling for work or possibly exposed to someone with COVID-19, please stay at home.

  6. Please do not touch the products on the shelves. If you do need anything, we will be happy to grab it for you and bag it up.

  7. Upon arrival please go and wash your hands for the 20 seconds that the CDC recommends. We will also have hand sanitizer for whenever you feel you need some.

  8. Please only arrive for your appointment alone. Extra guests are not allowed by state regulations. If you cannot come alone, please let your stylist know and you will be rescheduled for a better time.


Again, please remain patient with us as we start the soft reopening of Luminosity. Our scheduling is going to have to be much different than before, and we have to put the safety of everyone first. We appreciate all the support and love we’ve received, and cannot wait until we get to see your faces! (Even if behind a mask!) Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Lastly, it feels weird starting back at work when I was just barely learning to accept not working, but it feels right to me to have a really gradual re-opening.  In my heart (and from my research) I feel safe working and taking care of my clients as I have for the last couple years: one-on-one in a very controlled space.  I know many of you I won’t see for a long time.  My heart is with you.  Don’t be afraid to reach out just to say, “Hello.”

The only way right now to make an appointment is to text me: (541)954-2017 or send an email:  So reach out whenever you’re ready.


One thought on “So you want to get your hair done?

  1. As always, nicely written. I believe you’re doing the right thing. You’ll continue to be in our prayers. God bless, Mom

    Sent from my iPad


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